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Efficient energy use, sometimes called energy efficiency, is the goal to reduce the amount of energy required to provide product and services. It can be insulating a home, to allow a building to use less heating and cooling energy to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature, installing florescent lights to reduce the amount of energy required to atain the same level of illumination compared to using traditional incandescent lightbulbs. Compact florescent lights use 1/3 of energy of incandescent lights and may last 6-10x longer. There are many motivations to improve energy efficiency. Reducing energy use reduces energy cost and may result in financial cost savings. Reducing energy use is also a solution to the problem of reducing carbon dioxide emissions. 


My project this semster was to find ways to reduce consumption in my everyday activities. I did research on the internet and I also took pointers from the lessons about the alternative energy sources that are availiable such as:

  1. I purshased florescent lightbulbs for eery room in my household. I also convinced my employer to invest in some as well.
  2. I discontinued the use of unessesary of airhandling system. I opted to use the cieling fan rather then air conditioning in the living room. I also disconnected an unused outside freezer.
  3. I switched to water effiecient shower heads and faucets. Flow reducers, which fit into the aertor at the tip of the faucet, can be installed easily in most conventional faucets.


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